Agile Conference 2009 - TDD with Iphone

Sudhindra Rao Sudhindra Rao Follow Aug 30, 2009 · 1 min read
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On the last day I had just enough time to listen to Eric Smith and Eric Meyer from 8th light where they talked about TDD with IPhone. What was interesting was even while working with this difficult technology (Objective C is not hard but Xcode is nothing but cryptic - XIB files really?) they were able to build iPhone apps without giving up of basic principles of TDD.

They demonstrated their struggle before any tools were available for Unit testing with iPhone.

Couple of tools they mentioned were

Google Toolbox for the Mac


Something to make life less miserable when building better applications with iPhone.

Sudhindra Rao
Written by Sudhindra Rao Follow
Hi, I am Sudhindra, I like to talk about technology and help people build software at a sustainable pace. If you like what you read here follow me on twitter.